Sunday 20 September 2009

Away We Go

Burt Farlander (John Krasinski) and Verona De Tessant (Maya Rudolph), a very loving couple in their mid-thirties are having a baby. Despite being uncertain about their future and questioning themselves if their life has been a "fuck-up", they are very happy with the fact that they are going to be parents soon. Veron's parents being dead over ten years earlier, they decide to move closer to Burt's parents so that their daughter could grow up with her grand-parents. When Verona's six months pregnant, they learn that Burt's parents, Jerry and Gloria are planning to move to Antwerpen, Belgium for two years, casue that was they had wanted to do for a long time. That too before their child is due. Unable to make them change their mind, Burt and Verona decide to go on a trip across US to meet their old freinds and relatives so that they could find a perfect place to raise their daughter.

"Revolutionary Road" director Sam Mendes takes us on yet another visual journey of life making us think of all the what-ifs and hows. Its not just another road-trip movie. Through the characters, it shows us how difficult and easy it is sometimes to find happiness in life. Every family that they meet on the trip have a different story to tell and a different definition of happiness. There are a lot of laugh-out-loud comic scenes in the movie (I really liked the one in which Burt tries to scare Verona in the train and again in the plane so that he could check their daughters heart-beat and show Verona that its normal), and also a few heart-rendering scenes (like the one in which Burt and Verona discuss his brother's crisis). Maya Rudolph, better known for her comic roles is seen in a more serious role but delivering superb performance nonetheless.

Would give it all 5 out of 5. A welcome movie after a lot of action and sci-fi movies released recently. Go watch it for sure.

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